
Four paths to happiness

woman with a sun hat in a sunflower patch

Exploring four evidence-based ways to improve wellbeing Happiness is a complex and multifaceted state of being that can often feel elusive. Whilst it’s easy to attribute our moods to external circumstances, research suggests that happiness can be nurtured through everyday practices and lifestyle choices. In this blog post we explore four evidence-based approaches that can help […]

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Using motivational interviewing to explore infant feeding with new mothers

mother feeding her baby

Motivational interviewing is a client-focused approach that helps increase a person’s motivation to change by addressing their feelings about that change. It can help build trust with a new mother, reduce their feelings of guilt and shame and help them work through any feelings of ambivalence regarding how they might want to feed their child. Allowing them to make truly informed decisions about their feeding preferences.

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Navigating workplace stress: Understanding and overcoming the impact

Two women and a man smiling at their computer desks

Unmaking the silent strain In today’s fast-paced modern world of workplaces, stress is seemingly becoming an inevitable companion for many professionals. With one in 14 of adults feeling stressed every day and 74% of people feeling so stressed they have been overwhelmed or unable to cope the impact of stress on individuals and organisations is profound. […]

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Trends in Workplace Stress

Image of men taking a break work

Workplace stress occurs when we cannot cope with the pressures or demands we are facing at work. It is often debated that, in the UK, we are more stressed now than in any other period in time, with modern day technology making us constantly reachable, disrupting our work/life balance and leading to the “always on” […]

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