Engaging in evidence-based conversations about alcohol can guide people towards healthier choices and reduce the overall harm of alcohol use. This blog outlines an evidence-based approach with practical tips to have effective conversations about alcohol consumption.
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Navigating workplace stress: Understanding and overcoming the impact
Unmaking the silent strain In today’s fast-paced modern world of workplaces, stress is seemingly becoming an inevitable companion for many professionals. With one in 14 of adults feeling stressed every day and 74% of people feeling so stressed they have been overwhelmed or unable to cope the impact of stress on individuals and organisations is profound. […]
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Workplace stress occurs when we cannot cope with the pressures or demands we are facing at work. It is often debated that, in the UK, we are more stressed now than in any other period in time, with modern day technology making us constantly reachable, disrupting our work/life balance and leading to the “always on” […]
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